Intermountain Sustainability SummitMarch 18, 2021
Toward a Clean Electric Grid: Opportunities and Challenges with Achieving a Clean Energy Economy and Technological InnovationPresented by: Vijay Satyal and Nick Schou, Western Resource Advocates; Nate Blouin, Interwest Energy Alliance; and Mike Squires, Utah Associated Municipal Power Systems
Evolving the Western electric grid includes efforts to expand the Western electricity market by leveraging greater clean energy resources across state boundaries with automation and efficiency. Furthermore, the Western grid is evolving with a slate of fossil fuel power plants retiring in the coming decade, and their replacement is being powered by clean energy resources, energy storage and demand-side technological solutions. This panel will discuss the latest trends in electricity markets in the West, the growth of clean energy resources, and the benefits to local economies and industries. Specifically, the panel discussion will focus on the benefits and value of expanding the Western electricity market in the Intermountain Region, potential opportunities for clean energy developers and improvements in grid automation and challenges and opportunities for Intermountain utilities.
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